Luke and Mav had a late night on Saturday (I guess if you consider 10pm late in children world) and had some father/son bonding time. Mav has been on this ball fix and is fascinated with saying ball and with anything that remotely resembles a ball. Mav was sitting with Luke outside on the tailgate Sat. night and he looks up at the full moon and pointed to it and says in a sweet voice BALL. :) Not only is the moon a ball but apparently so are onions, bell peppers, tires and light bulbs just to name a few. I was in the kitchen cooking the other day and he gets a hold of an onion and says BALL and throws it as hard as he can on the kitchen floor...unfortunately it doesn't have as much bounce as his other balls so he continues to pick it up and throw it until it bounces. Good times. Never realized how little boys are just fascinated with balls and throwing things constantly. Talk about having to have quick reflexes, whew.
Here are a couple of pics of the twins doing tummy time and one of Hawk getting his first haircut :)
Tummy Time!
Hawk getting his very first haircut! What a little stud!