Maverick has been getting into everything lately, I mean everything! He's constantly pulling things out of drawers, I have papers, coupons, clothes, and spoons randomly throughout the house hidden. I also find myself hiding things in random spots just so he can't get to them, then I can't ever remember where I hid them....
Mavericks favorite spot in the house right now is the pantry. I swear there is a light gleaming through the cracks of the door because every time he walks by it he stops, takes a moment, and then opens the door in aww with a big happy smile. I think I heard a harp or something one time when he opened the pantry door. The other day I took my eye off of him for 1 minute to change Hawks diaper and this is what I found...
Besides Maverick starting into his terrible two's, the twins are starting to become more mobile. Eek! Hawk is rolling his self on the ground everywhere and I find him in random spots chewing on toys, furniture, you name it its in his mouth. Noelle hasn't mastered the rolling part yet (which I'm kinda glad about). They started sleeping through the night a couple of weeks ago, Hallelujah!! Never thought I would see the day! Hawk gets up at 5am every morning (which is fine, I just plop him in bed and breastfeed him and he falls asleep for another couple of hours), I think he wakes up on purpose not to eat but to lay in bed and snuggle with me ;) So Luke says :) Noelle has been waking up at 7am & Mav at 8am. I'm hoping this will become a routine, we will see.
I tried to get a picture of them both smiling but I have a hard time getting Sissy to smile when she's next to her brother sometimes. Oh do we have some fun years ahead of us :) I couldn't resist putting this one up. Stephanie can always get Sissy to smile :)
Luke and I have taken up running recently (I know you think of running and its like GOO! But once you start doing it I swear its actually quite refreshing). Running is now something we all look forward to every night and its something we get to enjoy as a family. We load up the kids and off we go!