I think one of the most rewarding things as a mother is being able to stay at home with your children. I love waking up every morning and walking into Maverick's room and seeing him sitting there in his crib like a good little boy playing with "Scout" and waiting for me to come and get him. He gets the biggest smile on his face and I swear he grows an inch every day! It's amazing how fast children grow. Noelle gets longer every day and Hawk is in one word just a tank. I swear he is growing at mega speed. The ladies at our church's childcare asked me if I'm feeding Noelle at all or if I'm giving her portion to Hawk. I think Noelle gets her workout in by kicking Hawk away from her all the time (he's constantly rolling on top of her and hitting her), she's mastered self defense already.
We went up to Pinetop for Memorial Day weekend and had a blast. Absolutely love the smell of fresh Pine trees and love being surrounded by nature. It took about 3-3 1/2 hours, Maverick screamed the first hour and last hour, oh joy. He got so upset he threw up all over himself. Lesson learned=if you are in a moving vehicle, screaming will not get you anywhere... He did not make a peep the whole drive back home :) Mav had a great time, he loved being in a new place (maybe because nothing was childproof) and loved exploring. First thing he did was go in the kitchen (I think he was searching for the pantry) and he opened up all of the cabinets. He thought he was hot stuff that he could open up the cabinets (ours are childproof at home). He didn't make much of a mess, just enjoyed having some freedom. I think were pretty lucky to have such a good kid :) Lets hope he stays that way!
Mommy & Noelle

Mav playin poolside

Daddy babysitting (Hawks passed out asleep lol)

Yes I am trying to put Easy Cheese in Mavericks mouth... Elvis thinks were crazy
Mav showing hawk how to use the bouncer toys
I LOVE the pictue of daddy babysitting!! SO cute, and sucha look of a daddy with twins! LOVE IT!