A day at the Harris home...

Hawk's in this phase where he gets into a push up position, or in a 'downward dog' position and holds it as
loooong as he cans (while grunting)... not sure if he's trying to walk or crawl... Noelle always thinks its hilarious!

...then comes the big plop as he falls to the ground from holding the position for so long and they both start giggling :) Silly boy!
Haha something special about twins I tell ya ;)

Lunch time at the Harris house! It's an adventure at every meal!

Hawk & Noelle in their brand new booster seats! They love them!

Not sure what they were doing, just playing and laughing :)

Story time! Maverick decided he wanted to be the teacher and read to the babies :)

What a good big brother! He's trying to teach Noelle how to read :)

Maverick thinks its hilarious when he puts hats on the babies


Maverick entertaining the twins. He had quite the audience that day :)

Hawks new 'position' while he eats now. He thinks hes pretty 'cool'. He's quite the ladies man at our church's
kidzone ;)
Love all the pictures. How fun, they are growing up so fast. Love their bibs those are too cute. I bet theres never a dull moment in your house with these three. They are so precious. Love Hawks position thats so funny he looks all calm and relaxed but has that look like look at me im the cool kid. I bet maverick is the best big brother ever. Love how hes playing with them and reading to them. And Noelle is a beauty shes all smiles.