Saturday, August 7, 2010

A sneak peak of the Harris kids

A day at the Harris home...

Hawk's in this phase where he gets into a push up position, or in a 'downward dog' position and holds it as loooong as he cans (while grunting)... not sure if he's trying to walk or crawl... Noelle always thinks its hilarious!
...then comes the big plop as he falls to the ground from holding the position for so long and they both start giggling :) Silly boy! Haha something special about twins I tell ya ;)
Lunch time at the Harris house! It's an adventure at every meal!

Hawk & Noelle in their brand new booster seats! They love them!

Not sure what they were doing, just playing and laughing :)

Story time! Maverick decided he wanted to be the teacher and read to the babies :)

What a good big brother! He's trying to teach Noelle how to read :)

Maverick thinks its hilarious when he puts hats on the babies


Maverick entertaining the twins. He had quite the audience that day :)

Hawks new 'position' while he eats now. He thinks hes pretty 'cool'. He's quite the ladies man at our church's kidzone ;)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Ahh I've been trying to update the blog for several weeks now but I've been so busy lately!

Maverick has been getting into everything lately, I mean everything! He's constantly pulling things out of drawers, I have papers, coupons, clothes, and spoons randomly throughout the house hidden. I also find myself hiding things in random spots just so he can't get to them, then I can't ever remember where I hid them....

Mavericks favorite spot in the house right now is the pantry. I swear there is a light gleaming through the cracks of the door because every time he walks by it he stops, takes a moment, and then opens the door in aww with a big happy smile. I think I heard a harp or something one time when he opened the pantry door. The other day I took my eye off of him for 1 minute to change Hawks diaper and this is what I found...One of those moments when you realize your gonna have to clean it up anyways so why not capture the moment why you can ;) I suppose I may have been the one who left the powdered sugar on the bottom shelf... what 1 1/2 year old could resist the delightful pretty box sitting there?

Besides Maverick starting into his terrible two's, the twins are starting to become more mobile. Eek! Hawk is rolling his self on the ground everywhere and I find him in random spots chewing on toys, furniture, you name it its in his mouth. Noelle hasn't mastered the rolling part yet (which I'm kinda glad about). They started sleeping through the night a couple of weeks ago, Hallelujah!! Never thought I would see the day! Hawk gets up at 5am every morning (which is fine, I just plop him in bed and breastfeed him and he falls asleep for another couple of hours), I think he wakes up on purpose not to eat but to lay in bed and snuggle with me ;) So Luke says :) Noelle has been waking up at 7am & Mav at 8am. I'm hoping this will become a routine, we will see.

I tried to get a picture of them both smiling but I have a hard time getting Sissy to smile when she's next to her brother sometimes. Oh do we have some fun years ahead of us :) I couldn't resist putting this one up. Stephanie can always get Sissy to smile :)

Luke and I have taken up running recently (I know you think of running and its like GOO! But once you start doing it I swear its actually quite refreshing). Running is now something we all look forward to every night and its something we get to enjoy as a family. We load up the kids and off we go!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Squealing: having or making a high-pitched sound such as that made by a mouse or a rusty hinge

7:00am this morning I heard Mav talking in his room, just rambling on. I was praying he would go back to sleep since the twins were both asleep... He was making these random squeals like a little girl so I went into his room, thinking maybe his foot or some kind of body part was stuck in between his crib walls. I took a peak in his room and saw he was still asleep...yes it was my beautiful little Noelle. Squealing away and just talking to herself. Oh I sure have been blessed in many ways early in life ;) When are their lungs fully developed again?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fathers Day Weekend

We had a great Fathers Day weekend! Daddy's favorite place to eat is Oregano's so we packed up the crew and went Saturday night. We haven't been out to eat with Mav & the twins by ourselves since they we were born. Lets just say I was stressing the whole day ;) Turned out to be fantastic. Noelle slept the entire time and Hawk woke up towards the end of our dinner but was a very good boy. Maverick had a good time. He made a little friend while we were waiting to get seated.

The little boy had a couple of cars that Maverick wanted to play with :) Mav still has a hard time learning to share (I'm pretty sure he knows what sharing means I think its just hard for him to want to share) lol. At one time the little boy went to grab his car back from Mav and Mav stuck his hand in his face and gently said "NO"... "NO NO NO". It was one of the funniest moments ever!

Sunday we got up early and went to church, then came home and Luke fired up the grill and slow cooked some ribs. MMM MMM Good! He makes the best ribs ever! We put up Mav's pool in the backyard and had a nice relaxing family day.

Mommy & Mav at Oregano's

Daddy & Mav at Oregano's

Hawk Man

Mav & Daddy were playing catch with the dough
(Yes we were THOSE people that night)

Maverick dancing on the table, and yes he knows better!

Sister being adorable :)

Daddy & his boys in their matching shirts

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Creeper

This past week my aunt Sophie & cousin Stephanie took me and the kids out to eat and to play at Chandler Mall. Mav had a blast playing in the child area! I of course think he's the studliest kid out there :) It's hilarious to watch children interact and play together. I was lucky enough to get a play by play snap shot of another little boy on a mission to drive Mav's car and steal his little lady ;)
Okay here we go. Watch that kid in the back with the white Gap shirt on...
Keep a close eye on him

Wow he moved in on Mav at superspeed!
Keep watching the little booger....

Whoa! Totally invading the territory here!
(Isn't there some kind of man code about this?)
Mav was keeping it cool though....

Then BAM!!! HAHA!
Let's just say Mav was totally blindsided but still remained
cool as aunt Sophie came to the rescue!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Yesterday I was in the kitchen and I heard the TV pop on with my aerobics work out video on... I peaked in the living room and saw Mav jumpin all around watching the instructor doing jumping jacks :) I don't know how he managed to get the TV & DVD player on but he sure did! I think it was a sign it was time for mommy to get her workout on. Thanks bubba!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I think one of the most rewarding things as a mother is being able to stay at home with your children. I love waking up every morning and walking into Maverick's room and seeing him sitting there in his crib like a good little boy playing with "Scout" and waiting for me to come and get him. He gets the biggest smile on his face and I swear he grows an inch every day! It's amazing how fast children grow. Noelle gets longer every day and Hawk is in one word just a tank. I swear he is growing at mega speed. The ladies at our church's childcare asked me if I'm feeding Noelle at all or if I'm giving her portion to Hawk. I think Noelle gets her workout in by kicking Hawk away from her all the time (he's constantly rolling on top of her and hitting her), she's mastered self defense already.

We went up to Pinetop for Memorial Day weekend and had a blast. Absolutely love the smell of fresh Pine trees and love being surrounded by nature. It took about 3-3 1/2 hours, Maverick screamed the first hour and last hour, oh joy. He got so upset he threw up all over himself. Lesson learned=if you are in a moving vehicle, screaming will not get you anywhere... He did not make a peep the whole drive back home :) Mav had a great time, he loved being in a new place (maybe because nothing was childproof) and loved exploring. First thing he did was go in the kitchen (I think he was searching for the pantry) and he opened up all of the cabinets. He thought he was hot stuff that he could open up the cabinets (ours are childproof at home). He didn't make much of a mess, just enjoyed having some freedom. I think were pretty lucky to have such a good kid :) Lets hope he stays that way!

Mommy & Noelle

Mav playin poolside

Daddy babysitting (Hawks passed out asleep lol)

Yes I am trying to put Easy Cheese in Mavericks mouth... Elvis thinks were crazy

Mav showing hawk how to use the bouncer toys

Monday, May 24, 2010

Had a pretty short weekend, Luke worked on Saturday so we only had Sunday to catch up on family time. We'll take any time we can get with daddy though!

Luke and Mav had a late night on Saturday (I guess if you consider 10pm late in children world) and had some father/son bonding time. Mav has been on this ball fix and is fascinated with saying ball and with anything that remotely resembles a ball. Mav was sitting with Luke outside on the tailgate Sat. night and he looks up at the full moon and pointed to it and says in a sweet voice BALL. :) Not only is the moon a ball but apparently so are onions, bell peppers, tires and light bulbs just to name a few. I was in the kitchen cooking the other day and he gets a hold of an onion and says BALL and throws it as hard as he can on the kitchen floor...unfortunately it doesn't have as much bounce as his other balls so he continues to pick it up and throw it until it bounces. Good times. Never realized how little boys are just fascinated with balls and throwing things constantly. Talk about having to have quick reflexes, whew.
Here are a couple of pics of the twins doing tummy time and one of Hawk getting his first haircut :)

Tummy Time!

Hawk getting his very first haircut! What a little stud!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Finally getting back in the game!

I've talked about updating the blog for the past year now and finally have decided to do it! I'm still trying to figure how to work the layouts and posting so bear with me as there may be some random pictures in random spots at times.
I'm always giving Luke a recap of the day when he gets home from work giving him all the details about all the "aww" moments of the day and the "grr" moments and finally realized I needed to be sharing these memories with family and friends. I hope you can enjoy my journey of motherhood as I embrace it with arms wide open. Oh the joys of three children under the age of two, here we go!

I have always known that Maverick was destined for great things since the day he was born, but today I realized just how valuable his little arm is. This morning as I was sitting upstairs feeding Noelle I saw Maverick launch Elvis's ball 30 feet across the room... As I watched this beautiful throw that went whizzing by my head with its nice high arch I watched Mavericks face as it hit the wine glass the was positioned perfectly on the ledge by the Foosball table. Boy did he hit his target and was he happy. I gasped and heard in slow motion the glass fall down onto the lamp downstairs... then shatter on the table... and then onto the floor... Maverick then looks at me and says with his mouth open "Uh Oh" and then goes into a dead sprint downstairs, luckily I caught him before he hit the crime scene. At this moment I realized 1. It is Luke's fault 2. I wonder how long the twins will cry for while I clean this up and 3. My little boy is on the fast track to the NFL. How can you be mad at him?

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks.



He kept pointing at the big football & basketball on the All Sports stores sign on the building saying ball

Maverick was worn out by all the babies so he took the initiative to take a nap in Elvis's cage all by himself :)