Mavericks signature pose, we think he's playing defense in his dreams lol.
Mav's been doing great lately, he's awake mostly from 6am-1pm, sleeps on & off for a couple of hours & wakes up when dad gets home for a little while then goes straight back to sleep. He has a very short attention span & needs to be entertained constantly already & I don't really know how to entertain him because he's still soo little. 7 weeks 2 days today! His swing that Grandma & Grandpa Harris bought him is the best thing ever, I don't know what I would do without it! What was I thinking not buying one?!
I'll switch from his play mat to his swing to my funny faces throughout the day to help 'stimulate his brain.' When he gets bored with one of them he'll bust out his frown & BAM his whimpering begins.
He likes me to walk around with him so he can look at everything & I mean everything! His little head & eyeballs go back & forth constantly trying to absorb everything & take everything in, it is hilarious! I think he's starting early to try & figure out what he can get into when he starts crawling & walking ;P
LOVE that second picture he looks so chubby!!What a handsome man you got!